Owners of massage parlors will have to take an extra step and obtain a permit if they want to operate in Glendale in the future.
The Planning Commission voted 4-0 Wednesday to require all new and existing massage establishments to apply for a conditional-use permit — a process that entails a background check.
The update to the city code comes after a state law expired, and California officials reverted authority to regulate massage parlors back to municipalities and treat them like any...
Planning Commission says massage parlors will need permit to operate in Glendale - Los...
The Planning Commission voted 4-0 Wednesday to require all new and existing massage establishments to apply for a conditional-use permit — a process that entails a background check.
The update to the city code comes after a state law expired, and California officials reverted authority to regulate massage parlors back to municipalities and treat them like any...
Planning Commission says massage parlors will need permit to operate in Glendale - Los...