Bonita Howes' healing hands not only gave her a chance to meet members of her favorite band Alabama in person, but the massage therapist now has a concert story she'll be telling for ages.
Howes, who co-owns the Institute of Therapeutic Massage with her husband Dr. Dan Howes, a chiropractor, is regularly on call when the Mississippi Valley Fair makes its August run. "Sometimes I get called to massage the entertainers, sometimes its the crews in lighting, rigging or the stage people," she...
Massage get Q-C woman backstage with Alabama - Quad City Times
Howes, who co-owns the Institute of Therapeutic Massage with her husband Dr. Dan Howes, a chiropractor, is regularly on call when the Mississippi Valley Fair makes its August run. "Sometimes I get called to massage the entertainers, sometimes its the crews in lighting, rigging or the stage people," she...
Massage get Q-C woman backstage with Alabama - Quad City Times