Healing energy
Feb 7, 2016 at 9:30 am | Print View
Gina Hamilton, a licensed massage therapist and spiritual healer, has a special bond with animals.
She is able to communicate with animals by “merging” with their “universal energy,” she believes.
When she connects with their energy, she “sees the world through their eyes,” and uses the visions to help her determine where to concentrate healing energy because “so much is non-verbal,” she explained.
“They can’t tell...
Cedar Rapids therapist heals animals with massage and reiki - The Gazette: Eastern Iowa...
Feb 7, 2016 at 9:30 am | Print View
Gina Hamilton, a licensed massage therapist and spiritual healer, has a special bond with animals.
She is able to communicate with animals by “merging” with their “universal energy,” she believes.
When she connects with their energy, she “sees the world through their eyes,” and uses the visions to help her determine where to concentrate healing energy because “so much is non-verbal,” she explained.
“They can’t tell...
Cedar Rapids therapist heals animals with massage and reiki - The Gazette: Eastern Iowa...